Responsive WordPress Themes

Responsive WordPress Themes are very popular lately. But what is a responsive wordpress theme really? Let’s take a closer look at responsive wordpress themes.

The way we use computers and the web has changed. But mobile devices are much smaller devices when compared to regular desktops. But they still provide a lot of features for us to us. One of them is to be able to use internet. As of mobile internet usage grows it brought a new confusion. What happens when a website reviewed on a mobile device?

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The first answer was navigating the entire web page. But because of mobile devices are so small it was hard to navigate a website. You’d be have to keep scrolling left to right and top to bottom. And ofcourse that wasn’t user friendly at all. And web designers were not really liking it either. Then the new well known trend has begun. If the web page is too big to be seen on mobile, let’s make it smaller for mobile.

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